We are Computer Expert Groups, where passion and creativity meets experience.

We are a small team of industry veterans having decades of experience in enterprise software solution, business process redesign, manufacture, retail , network and software development. Our work is our passion. We work very hard to make our customer’s happy.

Software Development

If you are looking for a custom manufacturing distribution or retail solution. you are at the right place we have over 15+ year of experience in software development in C#, Java, SQL, HTML5 and Python

Manager Service

Let us manager your IT Infrastructure and give you the peace of mind you deserve. We can provide your with Tier 4 data center cloud solution, VPN for corporate office sync, back IT Support staff, data backup, IT budgeting and much more.

Digital Signage

Let us help you with your digital signage need. Using our X-Media cloud signage solution we can manager your display from the cloud while give you the power to create power full content for your display
Why Choose Us?
Because we are consistent with our quality of work, 100% customer focus, year of experience in our area, committed to task NO EXCEPTION, guarantee success, no red tape and we are the best for sure.

Our solutions are customized and deliver to customer in a world-class manner. Our solution will enable your business to be up and running within the project timeline. Whether it’s a phone solution, point of sales solution, custom software solution, enterprise solution, business process solution and networking solution.

Our Expertise
With our dedicated project manager, we guarantee success for all your project.
Trust your software development project to Computer Expert Group. We will used our experiencing as to provide you with world class software development.
Our manager server team will provide you with the best manager service for your IT solution possible.
Our Clients